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Co-Curricular & Extracurricular Activities

Co-Curricular and extracurricular activities offer our student body opportunities to learn and participate in activities of their interest, and to strengthen knowledge and skills.

School Activities Calendar

Service Learning Activities

Extracurricular Classes

Student Organizations

Confirmation and First Communion

Parent Teacher Association


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Our Upcoming Curricular Events & Activities

Service Learning Activities

In our school, community service is focused on service learning through different projects, with the objective of articulating academic learning, social, personal and emotional growth as students engage in volunteer activities. Each service project is designed to enrich the learning experience of participants, enabling them to practice civic responsibility and also to strengthen the communities where they work. Our goal is to instill in our students the values of solidarity and cooperation, promoting a healthy integration in society.


Co-curricular and extracurricular activities offer our student body opportunities to learn and participate in activities of their interest, and to strengthen knowledge and skills.  Mindful Community School also promotes civic responsibility, the development of democratic attitudes, ethical values and behavior, and concern for the welfare of others and the environment.









Model United Nations

Rhythmic Gymnastics


Creative cooking

Eco Arts & Crafts

Mindful Community School


Mindful Community School has a variety of student organizations that offer students who are interested in pursuing leadership positions, more in-depth service learning, and practice in debating and cultural knowledge, a chance to join and learn from others with similar interests.

These organizations come with extra responsibility, and the extra gratification of unforgettable experiences that greatly define the people we are.

Our Student Council provides a means for student expression and assistance by proposing actions to the school authorities, promoting the school’s mission, identifying needs and offering proposals of alternatives and solutions to situations. Student leaders carry out activities that promote community service, relationship building, leadership and school spirit. Class representatives facilitate input of important matters concerning the institution. Students are also offered the opportunity to represent MCS in national and international events.

The Eco Committee aims to raise awareness, train and educate the entire educational community about the importance of sustainable development, as well as identify needs and offer proposals for alternatives and solutions to environmental situations in the school and the community. Students who are part of the committee promote the active involvement of all stakeholders in activities that promote the implementation of environmental improvements, making them aware of the importance of caring for the environment.

NJHS and NHS are well-known, prestigious organizations which recognize and encourage academic scholarship, and develop essential academic and personal characteristics. They lead among organizations and societies that promote recognition for high school students who reflect outstanding accomplishments in the areas of scholarship, character, leadership and service; NJHS also recognizes students who show outstanding citizenship. The NHS Chapter was established in September 2006, under the latin name of EXCELLENTIA, which represents excellence. The NJHS chapter was established in September 2016, adopting the same name.

First communion

Confirmation and First Communion

First Communion and Confirmation are the sacraments of the Catholic Church which, together with Baptism, constitute the sacraments of Christian initiation. That is, sacraments whose reception is necessary for the fullness of the grace received in Baptism.

First Communion catechesis is given, as an evening club, each year to 4th grade students who are willing to.

Confirmation catechesis is given every two years to 10th and 11th grade students who are willing to.

Parent Teacher association

MCS counts with a highly active Parent-Teacher Association which promotes activities for stakeholders, forming a valuable part of the school community. They suggest, volunteer and arrange activities for the benefit of our community, participate in committees, and recommend actions for improvement.


Mindful Community School’s Alumni Association strives to maintain a lifelong relationship of mutual benefits, committed to continue developing the skills, values, confidence and knowledge to prevail in a multicultural society.
Alumni, you are an essential part of our community, and we would love to keep in contact with all of you. So let us know where you are, and what you are up to- projects, plans, adventures. You are our legacy… Keep us posted!
We are waiting for you

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